Encouragement ... Inspiration ... Tools for Success!

keynote Speakers

George Barna

Alex newman

Friday Keynote Speaker 

Friday morning Keynote Address:
The Purpose of Education: Rejecting the World's Vision and Discipling Biblically
Featured Sessions:
  • Threats to Education, Freedom, and Homeschooling in the US and Worldwide
  • Solutions: How to Protect Our Liberty and Civilization
  • Introduction to Economics
  • Dads and Homeschooling: Where Do We Fit In?
ALEX NEWMAN is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and speaker who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. He is the founder and CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc., and hosts nationally syndicated radio and TV programs. Over his career as a journalist, Alex has interviewed current and former heads of state, members of Congress, royalty, and countless other fascinating people.  He has authored and co-authored several books including Crimes of the Educators and Indoctrinating Our Children to Deathand in recent years has been featured in numerous education documentaries and docuseries. Alex leads “Public School Exit” and serves on numerous boards. He has a B.S. degree in journalism from the University of Florida with an emphasis on economics and international relations, and also studied international relations and geopolitics at the Institute Français des Alpes in France. The Newmans homeschool their five children. 
Israel Wayne


Friday Special Guest

Friday afternoon general session:
From Fringe, to Movement, to Enduring Institution: How Christian Homeschooling Can Serve and Lead the World Today

Jim Mason will also be at the HSLDA booth at various times during the convention.
JIM MASON is the President of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). Since joining HSLDA in 2001, Jim has served as the Vice President of Litigation and Development and also as the Vice President of HSLDA Action. Jim was instrumental in litigating the 2008 California case Jonathan L., in which a state appellate court reversed its previous ruling that homeschooling was illegal. This precedent-setting case put an end to years of controversy over the legal status of homeschooling in California. As an honored graduate (’96) of Regent University School of Law, Jim represented numerous right-to-life groups in campaign finance cases before joining HSLDA. He is a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving on active duty in Operation Desert Storm. Jim and his wife Debbie have seven children and six grandchildren. At home in Virginia, Jim enjoys birdwatching, book collecting, and family gatherings. 
Israel Wayne


Saturday Keynote Speaker

Saturday morning Keynote Address:
Don't Ring the Bell (aka Never Ever Give Up!) 
Featured Sessions:
  • Truths to Know Early
  • The First Five Years of Homeschooling (I Mean, Parenting!)
  • Desirable Disadvantages
  • H.E.A.R.T. Exam for Dads
DAVIS CARMAN got started on his homeschool adventure with a providential two-by-four on the side of his head. Twenty-six years and seven graduates later, he hopes to share some of the lessons he’s learned along the way to help other families enjoy the most successful, satisfying, and Christ-centered home school possible. He is the president of Apologia Educational Ministries, the #1 publisher of creation-based science, math, and Bible curriculum for homeschooling families. He blogs at apologia.com/blog and is the co-host of the Let’s Talk Homeschool podcast. He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now!

Featured Speakers

Adam Andrews

Missy Andrews

Sonya Shafer
ADAM ANDREWS is the director of the Center for Literary Education and a homeschooling father of six. Adam’s dynamic presentations and fresh insights inspire parents and teachers with new vision for their task as educators. He presents an innovative method for teaching the skills of literary analysis. He and his wife Missy teach their children at home in Rice, Washington. 
Adam's workshops: 
  • Raising a Worldview Detective: Three Steps to Thinking Critically about Books, Movies, and More
  • The Socratic Method for Dummies: Become a Great Teacher the Easy Way 
  • Thinking Carefully about College: A Homeschool Dad Evaluates Higher Education
  • Read, Write, Zoom: The Issue of Online Education
  • Teaching the Classics from Seuss to Socrates: Literary Analysis for Everyone
Beverly Parrish
MISSY ANDREWS is co-director of the Center for Literary Education and a homeschooling mother of six. She is the author of Teaching the Classics: A Socratic Method for Literary Education and Wild Bells: A Literary Advent. She and her husband Adam live on a mountaintop in northeast Washington, where she collects children's books and reads and reads and reads.
Missy's workshops:
  • Lit for Littles: Making Reading Magical
  • Reading as Relationship: Loving Your Kids Through the Booklist
  • My Divine Comedy: A Mother's Homeschool Journey

Ricardo & Ana María Bagnuoli

Beverly Parrish
RICARDO and ANA MARÍA BAGNUOLI are the founders of TransitionED, a non-profit organization that trains and equips Hispanic families on how to transform their homes into the best and first place of learning. In 2022 they created the first Hispanic Homeschooling Conference in the nation, “Educa Por Diseño,” which gathered hundreds of people in Miami, Florida. Ricardo and Ana have become pioneers in the Hispanic homeschooling community with more than ten years of experience as educators, ministers, and business owners. They are the parents of three homeschooled children. 
Ricardo and Ana Maria's workshops:
  • Mas Allá de un Curriculum (Much More than a Curriculum)
  • La Mesa del Hogar: El Lugar de Gobierno (Government Begins at Your Home Table)
  • Lo que no te cuentan del padre homeschooler: Preguntas y Respuestas (What They Don't Tell You about Being a Homeschool Dad: Q&A)

Rachael Carman

Beverly Parrish
RACHAEL CARMAN is a respected international speaker, author, and podcaster. Rachael and her husband, Davis, own Apologia Education Ministries, a leading publisher of award-winning, creation-based curricula. Rachael is a 26-year homeschool veteran and continues to be energized by affirming and equipping the next generation of homeschooling families.  
Rachael's workshops:
  • What About THAT Child? 2.0
  • 5 Things You Need to Know that You Don’t Know You Need to Know Before
    You Buy Curriculum
  • Counterculture Character
  • Mother: More Than the Heart of Her Home

Kathleen Cotter Clayton

Beverly Parrish
KATHLEEN COTTER CLAYTON is the daughter of Dr. Joan A. Cotter, author and developer of the RightStart™ Mathematics program. Kathleen is involved with curriculum development and has written or co-authored 17 manuals. She teaches online middle-school classes, designs and creates mathematical quilts, loves to travel, and speaks across the US and Canada.
Kathleen's workshop
  • Teaching Math with Card Games (Hands-On Tutorial session)

Carrie De Francisco

Beverly Parrish
CARRIE DE FRANCISCO is a wife and "retired" homeschooling mom of two homeschool graduates. She is a speaker, author, and host of the popular podcast Coffee With Carrie. Through her consulting services, books, and podcast, she helps moms simplify their homeschooling one step at a time, one day at a time, and one cup of coffee at a time. 
Carrie's workshops:
  • Don't Homeschool Without This! A Homeschool Mission Statement
  • Simple Nature Journaling for the Art-Challenged and Nature-Deficient Parent (Hands-On Tutorial session)
  • Homeschool for Free—Well, Almost Free! (during Thursday's You Can Homeschool! free introductory mini-conference)

Dennis DiNoia

LaNissir James
DENNIS DINOIA, M.A.Ed has been immersed in education for over 30 years. He holds a M.A. in Education from the University of South Florida. To his online students across the entire United States, he is affectionately known as “Mr. D.” Mr. D has worked with students on five different continents! Attendees enjoy his inspiring hands-on presentations.
Dennis's workshops:
  • Student-Led Learning
  • Game On! Level Up Your Learning and Engagement
  • Ten Attitudes of an Entrepreneur

Kimberly Farley

Dennis DiNoia
KIMBERLY FARLEY was first a mom using CLT in her homeschool before she joined the company. Her three children have graduated, and she is now the Director of Homeschool Partnerships at CLT. Kimberly remains actively involved with homeschool students by volunteering as director and coach of a speech and debate club and serving the national organization. 
Kimberly's workshops:
  • Not Just a Face in the Crowd: Standing Out in Admissions and Scholarship Applications
  • I'd Love to Go to a Christian College, But How Can We Afford It? 

Julie Fritz

Jeannie Fulbright
JULIE FRITZ is a former homeschool mom and professional public speaker. For over a decade, Julie and her husband, Jim, have coached Christian competitive speech. Watching students who are shy or anxious learn to give 10 minute speeches confidently is such a joy! In 2023, Julie launched Christian Speech League for ages 10-18. With one day tournaments, the league gives students a platform to practice public speaking so they can better share their faith.
Julie's workshop:
  • Activities and Games for Public Speaking Skills (Hands-On Tutorial)

Pamela Gates

Brook Wayne
PAMELA GATES is a Certified Learning Specialist in Dianne Craft’s Learning System and an educational consultant in Denver, Colorado. She has 18 years’ experience working with bright, hard-working, but struggling students. Pam’s lighthearted and life-changing workshops are filled with practical strategies that parents can easily implement right away to help their kids begin to feel as smart as they really are! 
Pamela's workshops:
  • Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates
  • Teaching the Right-Brain Child
  • The Biology of Behavior
  • Smart Kids Who Hate to Write
  • Training the Photographic Memory

Danni Gugel

Colene Lewis
DANNI GUGEL is the Senior Director at The Nectar Group. She works to support children and adults with traumatic brain injuries, learning challenges, or disabilities, and she loves being able to present workshops to different communities to enhance their resources and knowledge of how to improve cognitive function.
Danni's workshops:
  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Using the Gift of Neuroplasticity to Overcome Learning Difficulties
  • Help and Hope for Dyslexia and Reading Challenges: Treating the Root Cause
  • Taming Pesky Math Problems with Brain-Based Strategies and Solutions (joint presentation with Nicole Thomas)

Kody Hanner

Heather Haupt
KODY HANNER is a wife of a veteran, mother of six, homesteader, and homeschooler who has devoted her life to agriculture and embracing rural living. She created and authored the Homestead Education series of homeschool curricula. Kody hosts The Homestead Education Podcast, where she enjoys teaching many topics as well as inviting some of the greatest thinkers in her field to teach her audience.
Kody's workshops:
  • Raising Self-Sufficient Kids
  • Teaching Homesteading for Lifelong Self-Sufficiency
  • Learning Outside the Book

Heather Haupt

Dr. Carlos Valiente
HEATHER HAUPT is the homeschool mother of three knights-in-training and two lovely ladies. Heather inspires and equips families towards intentional parenting, pursuing God, and delighting in the adventure of learning. She is the author of Knights-in-Training: Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys and Go Global: A Literature-Heavy, Movement-Rich Learning Adventure.
Heather's workshops:
  • Toddlers in Tow: Thriving in the Midst of Crazy
  • Create a Movement-Rich Home that Maximizes Learning (Hands-On Tutorial)
  • Movement and Learning Go Hand in Hand (during Thursday's You Can Homeschool! free introductory mini-conference)

Colene Lewis

Carol Gary
COLENE LEWIS homeschooled her three daughters through high school in a home where learning was a joy and a way of life. Alongside her husband, Tom, Colene served on the board of AFHE for over 13 years. She and her daughter Heather Haupt are developing the Go Together series of literature-heavy and movement-rich curricula covering history, science, geography, art, and more. 
Colene's workshops:
  • Homeschooling Teens: Tips that Work
  • Simple and Effective Transcripts

Cindy Puhek

Linda Crosby
CINDY PUHEK resides in Colorado Springs and has been married to Peter for almost three decades. They have been homeschooling for more than 20  years and their six children range in age from college students to elementary students. Cindy holds a master’s degree in chemistry and coaches an award-winning homeschooled Science Olympiad team. 
Cindy's workshops:
  • Homeschooling through High School
  • Math and Science in the Homeschool

Dr. Georgia Purdom

Dr. Paul Beljan
DR. GEORGIA PURDOM earned her PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University. After teaching as a college biology professor, she joined Answers in Genesis where she now serves as Vice President of Educational Content. overseeing educational programming at both the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter and the curriculum produced for homeschool and Christian schools. 
Dr. Purdom's workshops:
  • The Wonder of the Cell
  • Biblical Authority in the Marketplace of Ideas

Gretchen Roe

Dr. Justin Gardner
GRETCHEN ROE gained 21 years of home education experience with her six children. Although she was a reluctant homeschooler, she now says it was “the best journey of my life.” Gretchen joined Demme Learning in 2014 and is now their Community Outreach Coordinator. As a homeschool advocate and with a degree in psychology and child development, she has developed special bonds with families of children who must work harder to learn. 
Gretchen's workshops:
  • Is Teaching Compositional Writing the Thing You Fear Most?
  • Adapting the Playbook for Special Needs Students: Don’t Move the Goal— Modify the Play

Caleb & Leah Schroeder

Nicole Ryberg
CALEB SCHROEDER is a California pastor, homeschool graduate, and homeschool dad of six. He holds two Master’s degrees in Math Education and Biblical Studies and was a public educator for 18 years before becoming a Senior Pastor. He has a passion for home education and discipleship. Caleb was a cast member in the documentary "Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution." His wife LEAH SCHROEDER is also a homeschool graduate and holds a teaching degree from The Master’s University.
Caleb & Leah's workshops: 
  • The Math Myth (Caleb)
  • Homeschooling is Discipleship (Caleb)
  • Shaping, Not Sheltering (Caleb)
  • Effective Math Curriculum (Caleb)
  • Affordable Homeschooling (Caleb & Leah)
  • Homeschooling for a Stronger Marriage (Caleb & Leah)

Keith Soencksen

S.D. Smith
KEITH SOENCKSEN is a Christian homeschooling advocate and father of one son and five daughters. His wife Karen has homeschooled all of their children from kindergarten through high school, with Keith occasionally contributing as a part time teacher of high school math and science. Keith & Karen have worked in various capacities with the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators (MACHE) for the last 15 years. 
Keith's workshop:
  • Talking with Your Teen about the Perils of Pornography

Pam Spinker

Dr. Justin Gardner
PAM SPINKER loves Jesus and is a wife and homeschooling mom of six. Not long into her homeschooling journey, she realized that she was no longer able to answer the question “what are you good at?” After journeying to rediscover her Kingdom purpose, she heard the Holy Spirit’s calling to guide other moms on their own journey of remembering Whose they are and who they are created to be.
Pam's workshops:
  • How to Homeschool: Practical Steps for Getting Started 
  • Transitioning to Homeschool: 10 Tips from a Seasoned Homeschool Mom

Nicole Thomas

Dr. Justin Gardner
NICOLE THOMAS created Nicole the Math Lady to respond to what many homeschool parents consider a major obstacle: teaching math. Nicole the Math Lady now serves tens of thousands of students each day. Nicole Thomas holds Bachelors’ Degrees in Economics and Psychology from Stanford University and resides in Orlando, Florida with her family.
Nicole's workshops:
  • Math Gaps: How to Find Them and Fill Them Up! 
  • Taming Pesky Math Problems with Brain-Based Strategies and Solutions (joint presentation with Danni Gugel)

Dr. Carlos Valiente

S.D. Smith
DR. CARLOS VALIENTE is the Ramona Ware Emmons Paul Professor in Early Childhood at Oklahoma State University where he serves as a Professor and Department Head in Human Development and Family Science. His research focuses on understanding the development of children’s emotional, social, and academic functioning. He and his wife of 26 years have been homeschooling their children since 2006. 
Dr. Valiente's workshops:
  • Why a College Professor Homeschools His Children 
  • Learning While Suffering: How Life's Challenges Can Enrich Your Homeschooling Journey
  • A Comprehensive Discussion of Research on Homeschooling

Ana Willis

Dr. Justin Gardner
ANA WILLIS is a wife and homeschool mom of three. Ana is the founder of TheyCallMeBlessed.org where she blogs about homeschooling, and Hebrew For Homeschoolers where she teaches Hebrew, Jewish Culture, and the Bible for all ages. Ana’s goal is to help homeschool moms experience the joys of a Charlotte Mason-inspired Biblical education and find fulfillment in their homeschool calling. 
Ana's workshops:
  • Raising Children to Love God's Word: How and Why to Teach the Bible Daily
  • Scheduling the Feast of Subjects: How to Schedule Your Homeschool Week 
  • The 7 Cs of a Successful Homeschool
  • How to Make Your Kids Hate Homeschooling: 8 Mistakes You Might Be Making and How to Quickly Fix Them
  • Home and Homeschool on Autopilot: A Plan to "Do It All" without Losing Your Mind

Durenda Wilson

S.D. Smith
DURENDA WILSON and her husband, Darryl, have been married for 34 years. They have eight kids (7 graduated so far) and ten grandchildren. Her books include The Four Hour School Day, The Unhurried Homeschooler, Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart, and Raising Boys to Men. With more than thirty years of home education experience, Durenda Wilson is a trusted voice and resource at homeschooling conventions and on The Durenda Wilson Podcast. 
Durenda's workshops:
  • Nurturing Sibling Relationships
  • The Four-Hour School Day
  • Homeschooling Boys: What Do They Really Need?
  • The Sky's the Limit: Homeschooling High School
  • Kingdom Work: Building and Protecting Our Homes and Our Families
  • Preparing Your Mom Heart for the Post-Homeschool Years

Unbound presents:

Throughout our two day mini-convention, we’ll remind students that God’s vision for their lives doesn’t merely apply once they’ve reached a certain stage in life. Instead, they are called to actively build character, employ leadership, and serve others now. Life isn’t made to be wasted.
Meet your Unbound speaker team!
Caleb Jacks, Trent Emmack, Kaitlyn Brush, Hannah Jacks, Olivia Jacks, Caleb Brush, Tim Fisher
The Unbound Teen Track features:
• TEDx-style mini-sessions highlighting principles of leadership, resilience, and action • Engaging activities focused on real world application • Facilitated group discussions • Q&A time where teens are encouraged to ask hard questions  • Practical take-home steps for personal application long after the convention ends

Meet Your Unbound Teen Track team:

Caleb Jacks, Trent Emmack, Kaitlyn Brush,  Hannah Jacks, Olivia Jacks, Caleb Brush, and Tim Fisher: "They're not boring adults." That's how one teenager described Unbound's Teen Track team. This group of friends met in 2020 while planning a national student event designed to equip and empower students through presentations, games, and in-person connection. When the event concluded (and they determined they still liked each other), it was only logical to take the same concept to other groups of teens.

Today, the team has the incredible privilege to engage with teenagers at conventions across the country. Through punchy sessions, fast-paced games, and relatable characters, they show teenagers how to take ownership of their lives and live with courage during a season of life that's often confusing. The Teen Track team takes the connection with teenagers seriously, but they haven't taken themselves seriously yet. 

more information about THIS YEAR'S TEEN PROGRAM
is available at our children & teens page

Download the workshop schedule, handouts,
and complete workshop descriptions here.

Hands-On Tutorials

These special ticketed sessions on Saturday offer an interactive experience of an instructional method, activity, or practice for your homeschooling—plus take-home supplies to get you started! (Separate ticket purchase required; limited seating available.)
  • Let's Play Math Games - presented by Kathleen Cotter Clayton - Imagine your kids asking you to practice their math facts more! Participants will receive a set of cards from RightStart Mathematics and will play a few games during the session to see how simple and fun this will be for your family. $8 per person
  • Activities and Games for Public Speaking Skills - presented by Julie Fritz - Public speaking is a skill anyone can learn! Practice expressions, speeches, improv and games that you can implement with your kids. Game supplies provided. $5 per person
  • Create a Movement-Rich Home that Maximizes Learning - presented by Heather Haupt - Explore the scientific research behind the mind/body connection and how movement can be the key switch to turn your child ON to learning. Participants will practice "brain breaks" and receive materials to help them integrate more movement at home. $12 per person
  • Simple Nature Journaling for the Art-Challenged & Nature-Deficient Parent - presented by Carrie De Francisco - Learn how to do simple and engaging nature studies that even the most art-challenged or nature-deficient parent can do with their family. Supply kit includes basic sketchbook and pencils plus Carrie's inspirational packet of quotes, verses, poems, and ideas to start nature journaling with your family next week. $5 per person

Please thank these sponsors who are supporting
specific programming areas during the 2024 AFHE Convention!

Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) - Arizona Freedom Sponsor for High School & Beyond Track
BJU Press Homeschool - Faith & Family Sponsor
 The Nectar Group - Arizona Freedom Sponsor for Special Learners Track
Providence Christian CollegeTeen Program Sponsor

HANK the COWDOG In Concert! 

"Hank the Cowdog In Concert" is a 60-minute program of innocent fun and wholesome family entertainment. Through songs and readings, author John R. Erickson brings to life the beloved and familiar characters from his award-winning Hank the Cowdog series of books and audio books. Readers of all ages and backgrounds have enjoyed the adventures of Hank the Cowdog, and audiences love the performance that brings Hank to life in story and song!

Following the performance Mr. Erickson will sign books purchased onsite. 
7:00-8:00 PM, South Ballroom
Event ticket required for entry (ages 5 and up); tickets are available through your registration or may be purchased onsite July 11-12.
$8/person admission

NEW book in 2024:
#81 The Case of the Airborne Invasion
When JT Cluck files an alarming report that the Charlies have invaded the ranch, it's all hands on deck! Then, in the midst of the chaos, Drover turns up missing, leading the Security Force to conclude that he's been taken hostage! Will Hank be able to rescue his deputy, or is it curtains for Drover?

John R. Erickson

John R. Erickson has written and published 75 books and more than 600 articles, and is best known as the author of the Hank the Cowdog series of books, audio-books, and stage plays. His stories have won awards including the Audie, Oppenheimer, Wrangler, and Lamplighter Awards, and have been translated into Spanish, Danish, Farsi, and Chinese.

Through the eyes of Hank the Cowdog, a smelly, smart-aleck Head of Ranch Security, Erickson gives readers a glimpse of daily life on a ranch in the West Texas Panhandle. USA Today calls the series "the best family entertainment in years.” Publishers Weekly calls the Hank the Cowdog series a "grassroots publishing phenomena,” and, to date, the series has sold over 9 million copies.

During the years 1974-1981, John worked as a ranch cowboy in Oklahoma and Texas. There, he found a balance between hard physical work and the intense, concentrated effort of writing four hours every day. He wrote novels, short stories, articles, plays, essays, and book reviews. When he sent them off to publishers, most came back with rejection slips.

In 1982, after fifteen years of failure and frustration, he and his wife, Kris, started their own publishing company, Maverick Books, in their garage in Perryton, and brought out the first Hank the Cowdog book in 1983. From the start, John intended for the Hank stories to be read aloud, and a unique feature of the series is that he has recorded all stories in the audio-book format, performing all the character voices himself and composing two original songs for each episode.

For more than thirty years, Erickson has worked hard to maintain the highest standards of good, wholesome family entertainment. He has appeared in thousands of schools, from Fairbanks, Alaska, to Key West, Florida, and has been a popular speaker at conventions of teachers, librarians, and homeschoolers. And in 2019, John was inducted into the Texas Literary Hall of Fame.
John and Kris live on their cattle ranch near Perryton, Texas, and stay in touch with the world through the Official Hank Website www.hankthecowdog.com.


NEW OPTION FOR 2024: Information about pre-ordering convention recordings will be posted here when it is available.
Enjoy the AFHE Convention all year long! Purchase a full-set MP3 of the workshop recordings on-site July 12-13.

Sunday, July 14 – Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Purchase the full-set MP3 recordings at this special price.

Note: Workshops taught by a few speakers will be available for purchase
only in the onsite purchase option and three-day post-convention sale. A list will be published prior to Convention. All others can be purchased following the Convention on the Resounding Voice website.

EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS:  The full-set MP3 recording includes exhibitor workshops from those vendors who have granted permission. This includes many, but not all of the exhibitor workshops. 

Speaker Inquiries

All speakers for the 2024 Convention have been selected. Speaking at the AFHE Convention is by invitation. We seek to engage speakers whose content and message fit AFHE’s philosophy, vision, and mission, and do not conflict with the AFHE's Statement of Faith, Philosophy, and a biblical worldview.

As part of our careful speaker selection process, we will review speaker packets that are sent to us. Speaker packets are reviewed in August/ September for the following year’s AFHE Convention and selections are finalized before the end of the year. If we are interested in having you speak, we would contact you most likely in October or November.

Speaker packets should include biographical information, workshop titles and descriptions, and a recording or two of the speaker teaching for our review. Due to the high number of inquiries we receive, we are only able to follow up with those whom we invite to speak.

AFHE Convention
Attn: Speaker Coordinator
P.O. Box 2035
Chandler, AZ 85244
Email: speakercare@afhe.org


click here for information about our free introductory sessions on thursday, july 11