Encouragement ... Inspiration ... Tools for Success!

keynote Speakers


Friday Keynote Speaker 

Author, Speaker, Host of Off the Bench podcast
Heidi St. John
Friday morning Keynote Address
Read Heidi's bio
Heidi St. John is the author of nine books, including Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That's in You for Your Family and Your Faith and MomStrong 365: A One Year Devotional to Encourage and Empower Everyday Moms. Her first children’s book, The Mouse and the Sea, was published with Brave Books.  Her podcast, “Off the Bench with Heidi St. John,” has been downloaded over 24 million times, and you can join her community of women studying the Word in monthly Bible studies at FaiththatSpeaks.com. Heidi has been married to Jay, her college sweetheart, since 1989. The St. Johns reside just outside beautiful Vancouver, Washington, where their non-profit organization, Firmly Planted Family, and the Homeschool Resource Center are based. The St. Johns have seven children, all of whom have been homeschooled, and five grandchildren. 
Heidi's workshops
  • The Heart of the Home: Five Life-Giving Truths about Homemaking
  • The Busy Mom's Guide™ to Daylight: How to Fit Your Size 16 Day Into a Size 10
  • Culture Shock: How to Equip Your Kids to Thrive in a Post-Christian Era
  • Men & Women: Vive la Différence! (presented with her husband, Jay St. John)


Saturday Keynote Speaker 

Lawyer, Bible Teacher, Host of The Hamilton Corner
Abraham Hamilton III
Saturday morning Keynote Address
Read Abraham's bio
Abraham Hamilton, III (Abe) is a husband, father of six wonderful children, homeschool dad, lawyer, Bible teacher, and national radio and television talk show host. He serves as American Family Association’s General Counsel and host of “The Hamilton Corner” which airs Monday through Friday at 5 PM CT on the American Family Radio Network (AFR). He also hosts “The Hamilton Corner” television program, which airs Friday evenings at 8 PM CT on the National Religious Broadcasters Television Network (NRB TV). He has an undergraduate degree in New Testament Biblical Literature and a Juris Doctor degree. Abe is a Home School Legal Defense Association Board Member (HSLDA) and is licensed to practice law in Texas and Louisiana. 
Abraham's workshops
  • Declaration of Dependence 
  • session for homeschool dads
  • session TBA


Special Guest Speaker 

CEO of Trail Life USA, Author
Mark Hancock
Guest Speaker Featured Session
Read Mark's bio
Mark T. Hancock began his career by founding a national advertising agency and running it for fifteen years. His conversion to Christ led him into ministry as a Youth & College Pastor, Associate Pastor, Homeless Ministry Director, and Global Events Director for an international ministry, organizing events on five continents. Mark holds two Master's degrees in the mental health counseling field and has taught at secular and Christian colleges. He has been a guest on radio and television programs including Focus on the Family, Fox Nation, Family Life Radio, The Eric Metaxas Show, and James Dobson's Family Talk Program. An award-winning writer, Mark is the author of Trail-Ready: 101 Devotions for Dads with Boys, Why Are We Sitting Here Until We Die?, and Too Much Tubular, and co-author of Flight of the Falcon. He serves as Chief Executive Officer of Trail Life USA and lives near Greenville, SC, with his wife of over 35 years. They have two sons. 
Mark's workshops
  • The 7 Superpowers of Engaged Parents 
  • session TBA

Featured Speakers

Deahdra-Lyn Atencio

Deahdra-Lynn Atencio
Deahdra-Lynn's bio
Deahdra-Lynn Atencio is a wife, mom, and author, and has been home-educating for years. She and her husband pulled their oldest out of school after 4th grade. Passionate about helping families at all stages, she has worked in several different roles. She has a degree in Sign Language Studies and worked briefly at the California School for the Deaf in Fremont, as well as a consultant for RightStart Math. She has taught natural childbirth classes, written a unique parenting book, and is active in the family ministries at her church. She looks forward to what the next stages of life have to teach her.
Math Super Powers: Building for Success

Kathy Becker

Kathy Becker
Kathy's bio
Kathy Becker and her husband—pioneers in the homeschooling movement—enjoyed home-educating their six children through grade twelve. Kathy then went on to work with classical Christian education teaching in homeschool co-ops and as a head of school before joining Memoria Press, a leading curriculum provider of homeschool curriculum. Mrs. Becker leads a team of representatives sharing classical education with schools and parents across the nation. Kathy and her husband live in central Arizona. When not traveling she enjoys reading, writing and spending time with her lovely grandchildren — which is just as it should be.
  • The Light of Classical Literature
  • The Importance of Learning to Speak Well 

Kevin Boden

Kevin Boden
Kevin's bio
Kevin Boden and his wife, Wendi, began homeschooling in 2008. He is a graduate of Wheaton College and received his J.D. from Seattle University. Kevin served on active duty in the US Air Force for ten years as a Judge Advocate, allowing their family to homeschool in three different countries and five states. He served in the Alaska Air National Guard and continues serving as a drill-status Guardsman. As a Staff Attorney with HSLDA, Kevin is the primary contact for members in nine states and one territory. He is passionate about the freedom to homeschool and the blessings of being a dad. 
  • Strong Nations through Strong Families
  • 9 to 5: Working Dad in the Homeschool Journey
  • Military Moves and the Homeschool Life

Carrie De Francisco

Carrie De Francisco
Carrie's bio
Carrie De Francisco is a wife and "retired" homeschooling mom of two homeschool graduates. She is a speaker, author, and host of the popular podcast Coffee With Carrie. Through her consulting services, books, and podcast, she helps moms simplify their homeschooling one step at a time, one day at a time, and one cup of coffee at a time. Carrie is an out-of-the-box thinker which is probably why she was an outside-of-the-curriculum-box homeschooler. She can be found drinking her favorite latte or cooking in the kitchen.
  • Homeschool for FREE (Well, Almost Free)
  • Gameschooling: Put the FUN Back into the FUNdamentals
  • Cafeteria Lady: Tips For KP Duty
  • Homeschooling High School: It's Simple and Easy!
  • PLUS Carrie is the guest speaker for our Friday Night Moms Night Out: Coffee Dates are Essential!

Dr. Seann Dikkers

Dr. Seann Dikkers
Seann's bio
Dr. Seann Dikkers is a husband and the father of two homeschooled adults. As a teacher, principal, pastor, professor, and researcher, he has authored books including TeacherCraft, Mobile Media Learning, and Real-Time Research with a decade of research, interviews, and coaching toward more playful learning. His vivid presentations are known for energetically making complex ideas clear, with practical examples, and emphasizing God's design for learning. You can hear his chapter-by-chapter Bible study on any podcast server as "All In Gospel." He currently serves as a pastor and the Lead Designer for PortalsEDU.com, a new program that streamlines “Literature-to-Project” playful homeschooling. 
  • Why Leave Schooling to Do More Schooling? 
  • Play More
  • Assessment Without Grades

Kimberly Farley

Kimberly Farley
Kimberly's bio
Kimberly Farley began her career as an occupational therapist but left the field of pediatric OT to invest in full time home education. She graduated her three children from homeschool and they have all attended their first choice private colleges with significant scholarships. Kimberly was first a mom using CLT in her homeschool before she joined the company. She is now the Director of Homeschool Partnerships at CLT. Kimberly remains actively involved with homeschool students by volunteering as director and coach of a speech and debate club and serving the national organization. 
  • Strong Nations through Strong Families
  • 9 to 5: Working Dad in the Homeschool Journey
  • Military Moves and the Homeschool Life

Julie Fritz

Julie Fritz
Julie's bio
Julie Fritz is a former homeschool mom and professional public speaker. For over a decade, Julie and her husband, Jim, have coached Christian competitive speech. Watching students who are shy or anxious learn to give 10 minute speeches confidently is such a joy! Professors in college are often shocked to learn these students struggled to communicate in their teen years. Public speaking is a skill anyone can learn! 
  • Teaching Teens How to Prepare for Interviews

Christina Garretson & Gale Jones

Christina Garretson, Gale Jones
Christina's bio
Christina Garretson
Gale's bio
Gale Jones
Hands-On Tutorial Session
Busy Bags 101: Keep Little Hands Occoupied While You Teach
(Ticketed Hands-On Tutorial - Advance Registration Purchase required)

Danni Gugel

Kody Hanner, Ron Hanner
Danni's bio
Danni Gugel is the Senior Director at The Nectar Group. She received her BA in English Education from Colorado State University and her Master’s in Education with an emphasis in Reading Intervention from Regis University. After twelve years in the field of education her priority is still helping every student love learning and reach their full potential. She works to support children and adults with traumatic brain injuries, learning challenges, or disabilities, and she loves being able to present workshops to different communities to enhance their resources and knowledge of how to improve cognitive function. Danni loves to explore local restaurants and hidden treasures. 
  • Wired for Resilience: Emotional Regulation
  •  ADHD: Beyond Symptoms 

Kody Hanner & Ron Hanner

Kody Hanner, Ron Hanner
Kody's bio
Kody Hanner: homesteader, homeschooler, podcaster, speaker, author, wife, mother, rural woman. Kody is a homesteader, proud homeschool mom, and the creator of The Homestead Education, a company teaching children self-sufficiency through hands-on learning. Inspired by her family’s health, education, and agricultural background, Hanner’s family moved to Idaho to start their homestead. Through homeschooling her children, she realized there was a gap in the market for resources that met her needs and those in the homesteading community. Her goal is to prepare children with life skills that come from the agricultural industry and the ability to provide their own food. 
  • Homeschooling Like a Homesteader
  • Teaching Homesteading in Your Homeschool

Heather Haupt

Heather Haupt
Heather's bio
Heather Haupt is a homeschool mother of five, with two of them graduated. Recognizing the brevity of childhood and the power of a parent’s influence, Heather both inspires and equips families toward intentional parenting, pursuing God, and delighting in the adventure of learning through a developmentally appropriate approach to education. She is the author of Knights-in-Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous and Compassionate Boys, The Ultimate Guide to Brain Breaks, and co-author of the GO TOGETHER curriculum. She writes at heatherhaupt.com and cultivatedlearning.org 
  • Worth It! Homeschooling Through High School
  • Supercharge Learning with Narrative

Kimberly Sorgius Jones

Kimberly's bio
Kimberly Sorgius Jones is passionate about helping families grow in faith so they are "not consumed" by life. Her practical, transparent, and heartfelt sessions will inspire and equip you to homeschool without feeling overwhelmed by circumstances. She has had the privilege of homeschooling her four children and loves walking alongside other families on this journey. With her M.Ed. in Early Childhood and Curriculum Development, she creates high-quality products that help families live by faith in parenting, education, and discipleship. 
  • Fragrance of Grace: Practical Ways to Get Kids into the Word
  • What to Teach: Creating an Educational Plan Your Kids Will Love
  • Five Things God Says About Loving Your Siblings
  • How To Teach Your Child to Learn Independently
  • Gentle Foundations for Young Learners
  • Managing Your Homeschool Schedule So You’re Not Consumed

Kathy Kuhl

Kathy Kuhl
Kathy's bio
Kathy Kuhl equips parents to help children with learning challenges, combining information and insight with practical suggestions, humor, and personal experience. After homeschooling a bright, dyslexic, creative, and highly distractible son, she interviewed 64 families to write Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner. This handbook helps anyone supporting teens and children with challenges—including learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, autism, and giftedness—and others who “learn differently.” Her books, Staying Sane as You Homeschool and Encouraging Your Child, are practical guides to help parents, children, and teens thrive and enjoy their time together. Kathy graduated from William and Mary with teaching certificates in secondary mathematics and English. 
  • What Good Are Labels? Understanding Your Child's Learning Challenges 
  • Teaching Children with Learning Challenges
  • Staying Sane: Balancing Your Priorities
  • When Writing Doesn't Come Easily
  • College Bound, but Struggling: Tools for Success

Kelly Love

Heather Haupt
Kelly's bio
Kelly Love's career began in his college days when he built a thriving direct sales business. Kelly then bought Wacky Fun Factory, a gumball machine manufacturer. Under Kelly's leadership, the company experienced exponential growth, expanding to nine international offices. Kelly's path then led to New York City, where he embraced the role of Executive Pastor at Gallery Church, a vibrant church plant in Manhattan. Kelly is now the National Sales and Events Director with Trail Life USA, dedicated to making a meaningful impact by engaging with the masculine hearts of America, addressing one of the most pressing issues of our time. 
  • Your Boys are Not Toxic
  • additional session TBA

Natalie Mack

Natalie Mack
Natalie's bio
Natalie Mack is an author, TEDx speaker, and experienced twenty-three years military home educator. She is known for her motto “Let’s Get It Done” which encourages homeschoolers that you can homeschool to college successfully! Natalie is a retired Navy chaplain’s spouse and mom of four college graduates and a 12th grader. She owns Natalie Mack, LLC, which provides homeschool educational consultations, masterclasses, and speaking services. Her nonprofit, Military Homeschoolers Association, hosts the podcast “Base2Base Military Homeschooling.” Natalie is also the Military Community Outreach Coordinator for HSLDA. Natalie’s published works include the book 101 Tips for Homeschoolers and several magazine articles. 
  • Struggling with Anxiety as a Homeschool Mom
  • Military Service Routes for Homeschool Graduates
  • The Value of Extracurriculars
  • NCAA Eligibility for Homeschooled Athletes

Kathie Morrissey

Kathie Morrissey
Kathie's bio
Kathie Morrissey, founder of The Character Corner, is a devoted wife to Alan for over 40 years, a mother of eight, and a grandmother of 20. A passionate homeschooling mom for 31 years, she now encourages parents through her blog, speaking engagements, and character-building resources. As the author of two widely used character curriculums and several parenting books, Kathie equips families with practical tools for raising godly children. A sought-after speaker at homeschool conventions, support groups, and ladies’ retreats, her mission is to inspire parents to be intentional in cultivating strong Christian character and a heart for God in their children. 
  • Frustrated and Stressed (and Maybe a Little Angry)
  • Managing Multi-Level Teaching

Patrick Nurre

Patrick Nurre
Patrick's bio
Patrick Nurre grew up in the beautiful state of Montana. As a second grader, he found his first big dinosaur bone in the alley behind his home. This led to a lifelong study of geology. Today, Patrick is a popular speaker and teacher on geology and worldview. In addition, he conducts summer geology camps and leads field trips, including his Yellowstone Creation Adventure for families. He is the author of seventeen geology handbooks. Patrick's nonprofit ministry, Northwest Treasures, creates geology kits and curricula from a young-Earth perspective. He is a longstanding participant in the International Association of Creaion Professional Development Proggram. 
  • Do Rock Layers Really Tell Us the Age of the Earth? 
  • I Don't Want to Teach Geology!
  • Transforming Inconvenient Hobbies into Teachable Moments
  • Four Powerful Words to Defend and Build Your Faith

Jessica Parnell

Jessica Parnell
Jessica's bio
Jessica Parnell is the CEO of Edovate Learning Corp, a homeschool mom, and the author of the series Unlocking Your Child’s Genius. As the creator of Elephango.com and the visionary behind the Discover! K-8 curriculum for home and hybrid learning, Jessica blends her passion for God’s design with expertise in neuroscience, neurodivergence, and emotional intelligence. She specializes in helping families meet children where they are, inspiring a sense of purpose and a lifelong love for learning. Jessica’s sessions empower parents with practical tools and transformative insights to unlock their child’s potential and foster a thriving homeschool experience. 
  • From Clueless to Confident: A Newbie's Guide to Homeschooling Jargon

David & Shirley Quine

David & Shirley Quine
David & Shirley's bio
David and Shirley Quine have been blessed by God, sharing 51 years of marriage, life, and ministry. Their passion is to equip the next generation to “stand firm” in Christ in the 21st century. Together they created Cornerstone Curriculum, a homeschool curriculum which assists parents in the discipleship of their children. David has his Masters degree in curriculum and instruction design and Shirley is an early childhood education specialist. The Lord has given them the reward of nine wonderful children and sixteen grandchildren. They enjoy reading on road trips, making pizza rolls for their kids, and experimenting to develop the best Texas smoked brisket. 
  • Making the Invisible, Visible! The Mystery of Science 
  • The Sweet Spot of Joyful Learning

Dr. Brian Ray

Dr. Ray's bio
Dr. Brian Ray is a leading international expert in research on homeschooling and president of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI). Author of numerous articles and books, Dr. Ray is interviewed by major media outlets, serves as an expert witness in court cases, and testifies to legislatures regarding education. Dr. Ray holds a Ph.D. (science education, Oregon State University), a M.S. (zoology, Ohio University), and a B.S. (biology, University of Puget Sound. Brian and Betsy have been married 46 years, have eight children who were all home educated, run a small farm, and have 23 grandchildren. Dr. Ray really enjoys wandering with Betsy, being out in the forests and mountains, and going on adventures pursuing animals.
  • Your Crucial Place in the Education Revolution: Arizona and Way Beyond
  • Current Hot Topics in Home Education News plus Q&A

Dr. Jennifer Rivera

Dr. Rivera's bio

Workshops & Hands-On Tutorial
  • The Forensic Science Behind God’s Fingerprint Design
  • Is there Forensic Evidence Confirming a Global Flood?
  • Hands-On Tutorial: DNA: The Code of Life
    (Ticketed Hands-On Tutorial - Advance Registration Purchase required)

Marisol Rodero

Marisol Rodero
Marisol's bio
Marisol Rodero, J.D., M.Ed. is a respected educator, conference speaker, and advocate for homeschooling. With a Juris Doctor degree and a Master’s in Education specializing in Neuroscience and Learning, she brings a unique perspective to teaching and curriculum development. As the founder of Nobis Pacem, an accredited classical homeschooling program, she has helped countless families provide a rigorous and faith-filled education at home. Marisol blends neuroscience, classical education, and practical strategies to help parents create effective and enriching learning environments. She and her husband, Ernesto, have homeschooled their five children while building a vibrant educational community.
Marisol Rodero, J.D., M.Ed. es una educadora, conferencista y defensora de la educación en el hogar. Con un doctorado en derecho y una maestría en educación con especialización en neurociencia y aprendizaje, aporta una perspectiva única a la enseñanza y el desarrollo curricular. Como fundadora de Nobis Pacem, un programa de educación en el hogar acreditado con enfoque clásico, ha ayudado a muchas familias a implementar una educación rigurosa y basada en la fe en casa. Marisol combina neurociencia, educación clásica y estrategias prácticas para ayudar a los padres a crear entornos de aprendizaje efectivos y enriquecedores. Junto con su esposo, Ernesto, ha educado en casa a sus cinco hijos mientras construía una próspera comunidad educativa.
Workshops / Talleres
  • The Neuroscience of Teaching: Strategies for an Engaged and Effective Learning Experience / La Neurociencia de la Enseñanza: Estrategias para un Aprendizaje Eficaz y Dinámico
  • Homeschooling & Calming the Clutter: Organizing Your Mind, Home, and Schedule / Homeschooling y el Orden en Casa: Cómo Organizar tu Mente, tu Hogar y tu Agenda

Gretchen Roe

Gretchen Roe
Gretchen's bio
Gretchen Roe gained 21 years of home education experience with her six children, all of whom have now graduated. Although she considers herself a reluctant homeschooler, she now says it was “the best journey of my life.” Gretchen joined Demme Learning in 2014 and is now their Community Outreach Coordinator. As a dedicated homeschool advocate and with a degree in psychology and child development, she has developed special bonds with families of children who must work harder to learn. She loves the outdoors, all things furry, chicken raising, and beekeeping; serves her local community as a high school swim coach; and is a second-degree Taekwondo Black Belt.
  • Fortify Your Middle Schooler: Five Strategies to Boost Math, Writing, and Spelling Skills 
  • Kickstart Your Homeschooling Success: Essential Organizational Tips
  • Thriving in Homeschooling: Non-Traditional Family Strategies

Penny Rogers

Penny Rogers
Penny's bio
Penny Rogers is a homeschooling mom to three neurodivergent children. Homeschooling offers incredible flexibility for families with neurodivergent children, but it also comes with its own set of considerations. Penny loves to explore how to leverage the strengths of homeschooling to support your neurodivergent child's unique learning style. She discusses curriculum adaptations, sensory accommodations, social opportunities, and how to build a thriving learning environment at home
  • Homeschooling Autism from Kindergarten through Graduation 
  • How to Create a Sensory Diet for your Autistic Child

Amy Sager

Amy's bio coming soon!

  • Transcripts That Set Your Student Apart
  • Dual Enrollment: Relevant for Every Career Pathway

James Staddon

James Staddon
James's bio
James Staddon is a former homeschool student, now professional photographer and full-time photography educator from West Virginia. With a background in graphic design, his endless preoccupation with photography and love for Christian discipleship eventually led him to start up Lenspiration in 2009 to provide a family-friendly place for young people to learn photography. Since that time, many opportunities have opened up to travel, speak, and teach photography workshops all over the US. He and his young family enjoy outdoor recreation, traveling, and working together in business entrepreneurship. 
Photography Class for Teens
*Complete details for participating in the Photo Class for Teens can be found on our Teen Programs page!*
Photography Team (Advanced)
Advanced level opportunity with prerequisites and equipment requirements; team limited to 10 students. Complete details available on our Teen Programs page.

Chad Stewart

Chad Stewart
Chad's bio
Chad Stewart has worked as a professional animator in film and television for 35 years! He has animated at studios such as Disney and Sony on such films as: Tarzan, The Emperor’s New Groove, Fantasia 2000, The Polar Express, Stuart Little 2, and Surf’s Up. Ten years ago, Chad was inspired to share his knowledge of animation with kids via the wonders of the world wide web, starting The Animation Course, the first online animation class for students ages 11 to 18. Chad and his wife Kayla have helped over 5500 students explore and learn about animation and filmmaking. 
Animation Class for Teens
*Complete details for participating in the Animation Class for Teens can be found on our Teen Programs page!*

Program Description coming soon!

Nicole Thomas

Nicole Thomas
Nicole's bio
Nicole Thomas created Nicole the Math Lady to respond to what many homeschool parents consider a major obstacle: teaching math. Nicole has not only created an educational website but a family environment where children and parents share the common belief that when education is fun, there are no limits to what a child can learn. Nicole the Math Lady now serves tens of thousands of students each day. Nicole Thomas holds Bachelors’ Degrees in Economics and Psychology from Stanford University and resides in Orlando, Florida with her family.
  • Math Made Accessible: Techniques for Teaching Kids with Learning Differences
  • Interdisciplinary Learning: Integrating Math with Art, Science, and History

Dr. Marisa Tillery

Dr. Tillery's bio
coming soon!
Hands-On Tutorial
The Golden Ratio - 


Lisa Varner

Lisa's bio
Lisa Varner has always loved books. Before homeschooling, Lisa enjoyed sharing her love for literature with her high school students as an English teacher for eleven years. She and her husband Mark began homeschooling their three children in 2011. In an effort to make reading and books even more fun, Lisa has been leading book clubs since 2016 for her children and their friends and co-ops. Those nine years of experience have made her passionate about book clubs and how much our world needs more of them. Lisa also enjoys gardening, hiking, and every moment spent with family and friends. 
The Power of Reading Together: Starting and Leading Book Clubs 


Intro to the World of Animation with Chad Stewart (The Animation Course)

Photography Class with James Staddon (Lenspiration)

Advanced Photography with James Staddon (Lenspiration)

details about these options are found
on our teens & kids page!

(coming soon)

Download the workshop schedule, handouts,
and complete workshop descriptions here.

Hands-On Tutorials

These special ticketed sessions offer an interactive experience of an instructional method, activity, or practice for your homeschooling—plus take-home supplies to get you started! (Separate ticket purchase required; limited seating available.)
  • Busy Bags 101: Keep Little Hands Occupied While You Teach - presented by Christina Garretson & Gale Jones - Balancing lessons with little ones underfoot is tough, but Busy Bags can help! These simple, fun, and educational activities keep toddlers engaged, giving you the focus time you need. Join this hands-on workshop to learn to create Busy Bags tailored to your little's needs, discover budget-friendly activity ideas, take home ready-to-use Busy Bags, and connect with other homeschooling moms. per person price TBD
  • DNA: The Code of Life - presented by Dr. Jennifer Rivera of Answers in Genesis - In the beginning, God encoded information into the DNA of all living things. In this hands-on workshop, learn about the structure of DNA by building a model you can take home. $14 per person
  • The Golden Ratio - presented by Dr. Marisa Tillery of Answers in Genesis - Mathematicians, scientists, artists, architects, and even financial analysts have been entranced by the beauty and elegance of the Golden Ratio. In this hands-on workshop, marvel at God’s design in nature and build a gadget you can take home to investigate a world of patterns. $11 per person

Please thank these sponsors who are supporting
specific programming areas during the 2025 AFHE Convention!

Join Carrie De Francisco and Artastic Art for a refreshing evening!

Ticket price includes wise counsel and encouragement, art lesson + project materials, and dessert.

♥ Come with friends ♥ Make memories ♥ Enjoy warm fellowship ♥

7:00-8:30 PM, room 161-163
$35/person admission; dessert included
Event ticket required for entry (adult ladies only, please);
tickets are available when you register or may be purchased onsite.
Special message from Carrie De Francisco!
Just breathe and take a sip of coffee. Yes, coffee dates are essential! In this fun evening of art and fellowship, Carrie will share why moms need to make time for four important coffee dates: Coffee Dates with Jesus, Coffee Dates with Hubby, Coffee Dates with Friends, and Coffee Dates with Older Kids (if you are in that season of motherhood). Carrie will give simple tips on how to make time for personal quiet time with the Lord, how to make date nights a priority, making time with friends a reality, and if applicable, how to make dates with your teens and adult children a weekly habit. 
Create a themed art piece with Artastic Art!
We will have an art lesson and create a project that reflects the "coffee dates" message from Carrie. All materials are included and you will take home a unique, personalized reminder of this fun evening and the importance of these connections in our lives.


NEW OPTION FOR 2025: Information about pre-ordering convention recordings will be posted here when it is available.
Enjoy the AFHE Convention all year long! Purchase a full-set MP3 of the workshop recordings on-site July 18-19.

Sunday, July 20 – Tuesday, July 22, 2025
Purchase the full-set MP3 recordings at this special price.
EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS:  The full-set MP3 recording includes the exhibitor workshops presented in the Exhibit Hall pavilions.

Note: A few of the featured workshops will be available for purchase only in the onsite purchase option and three-day post-convention sale.

Speaker Inquiries

All speakers for the 2025 Convention have been selected. Speaking at the AFHE Convention is by invitation. We seek to engage speakers whose content and message fit AFHE’s philosophy, vision, and mission, and do not conflict with the AFHE's Statement of Faith, Philosophy, and a biblical worldview.

As part of our careful speaker selection process, we will review speaker packets that are sent to us. Speaker packets are reviewed in August/ September for the following year’s AFHE Convention and selections are finalized before the end of the year. If we are interested in having you speak, we would contact you most likely in October or November.

Speaker packets should include biographical information, workshop titles and descriptions, and a recording or two of the speaker teaching for our review. Due to the high number of inquiries we receive, we are only able to follow up with those whom we invite to speak.

AFHE Convention
Attn: Speaker Coordinator
P.O. Box 2035
Chandler, AZ 85244
Email: speakercare@afhe.org


check back soon for the complete daily schedule information.

click here for information about our free introductory sessions on thursday, july 17!