Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) is the statewide organization that has been serving the needs and protecting the rights of Arizona’s homeschooling families since 1983. AFHE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational, religious, and charitable corporation run by a Christian board of directors. AFHE membership supports the preservation of homeschool freedom as we watch legislation that may affect parents’ rights to teach their children at home in Arizona. 


AFHE exists to inspire parents to homeschool their children; promote parent-directed, privately funded, home-based education; preserve the freedom to homeschool; and support parents who choose a home-based education option for their children.


Host the Annual Arizona Home Education Convention

Provide support for Arizona homeschool group leaders through an annual Leadership Conference (or webinar)

Host a senior high graduate recognition ceremony

Award scholarships for post-secondary education to homeschool graduates


Encourage participation in local homeschool support groups

Host periodic regional or online workshops

Maintain an up-to-date website

Communicate with the homeschool community through email, legislative updates, and social media

Participate in local and regional activities to share information about homeschooling when possible


Educate the public on the laws and merits of parent-directed, privately funded homeschool

Monitor and guide state and national legislation affecting homeschooling

Defend the right to homeschool

Maintain the least restrictive laws and policies for homeschooling in Arizona


Maintain a robust website with information and resources useful to  families who are pursuing home-based education

Host moderated social media groups allowing parents to connect

Maintain a mobile app for on-the-go access to AFHE articles, courses, notifications, and events

Curate member benefits that serve a wide range of needs and enrichment for home educators


We believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible authoritative Word of God.

We believe God existed from all eternity in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe all men have sinned, both by nature and by act, and it is only Jesus Christ who is able and has paid the penalty for man’s sin through His substitutionary death on the cross. He then triumphed over death by His visible, bodily resurrection.

We believe salvation is offered as a free gift to the sinner. This gift must be accepted by faith, not trusting in any personal work but in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ alone.


We operate from a Christian perspective and make decisions from the ethical and moral standards established in the Bible.

We believe that parents are responsible for the education of their children.

We believe that parents have the God-given right to educate their children at home.

We believe that all education has an implicit worldview.

We believe that government funding of education will inevitably lead to oversight and control.

We believe families should remain informed about homeschool laws at both the state and federal levels.

  • A substitute for a homeschool support group
  • A correspondence school or curriculum provider
  • A substitute for membership with HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association)

Shawn Duell

Board President
Scholarship Program Director & Communications Director

Cindy Duell

Board Member & Convention Director

David Garretson

Board Treasurer

Christina Garretson

Board Secretary &
Senior High Graduation Director

Jeff Jibben

Board Vice President

Michelle Jibben

Board Member &
Director of Government Affairs

Jeff Orr

Board of Directors

Sheri Orr

Board of Directors



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